Did you know that until 2015 this song was not in the public domain and had to pay to perform it publicly in the United States?
The company Warner had bought the rights of this song and made millions of dollars, while its true authors Patty Hill and Mildred Hill received zero dollars.
Now you can play it without legal problems so let's watch this video lesson.
normal speed: 0:00
slow: 0:18
slower: 0:45
Happy birthday to you Guitar TAB (Easy level):
(See How to read tabs).
(See also Easy Songs to play on Guitar)
The company Warner had bought the rights of this song and made millions of dollars, while its true authors Patty Hill and Mildred Hill received zero dollars.
Now you can play it without legal problems so let's watch this video lesson.
normal speed: 0:00
slow: 0:18
slower: 0:45
Easy TAB for beginners with the melody of the song Happy Birthday:

Happy birthday to you Guitar TAB (Easy level):
(See How to read tabs).
(See also Easy Songs to play on Guitar)
Need a tune-up?
get in Tune your acoustic or electric guitar:
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