
How to Play "Believer" by Imagine Dragons on Guitar: A Beginner's Guide

Learning to play your favorite songs on the guitar is a fulfilling and enjoyable experience for many music enthusiasts. In this tutorial video, Ellen, an experienced guitar teacher, demonstrates how to play "Believer" by Imagine Dragons on the guitar.

Whether you're a beginner or looking to expand your repertoire, Ellen (for3v3rfaithful) breaks down the chords, strumming patterns, and picking techniques, providing a comprehensive guide to mastering this popular song.

Ellen emphasizes the beginner-friendly nature of the song and explains the required guitar tuning and the use of a capo on the first fret.

Chord Progressions:

Ellen covers five different chord shapes needed to play the entire song. She begins with the A minor chord and demonstrates the fingering and sound. The tutorial then moves on to the E chord, followed by the E7 and F chords. Additionally, Ellen provides an alternative fingering for the F chord using the F major seven shape. Practice transitioning between these chords to enhance your playing abilities.

Strumming Pattern:

Ellen introduces a simple practice pattern consisting of down strums on each chord change. This pattern helps beginners get accustomed to the rhythm of the song and facilitates singing along while playing. She explains that this pattern can be repeated throughout the song and suggests when to repeat it for specific chords. Ellen also offers an optional technique called "chucking," which adds a rhythmic element to the strumming pattern.

Picking Pattern:

For those interested in adding a picking element to their rendition of "Believer," Ellen presents a straightforward picking pattern that repeats throughout the song. She guides us through the finger placement and demonstrates how to pick the strings, emphasizing the use of specific fingers for each note. Ellen demonstrates how it complements the song's melody.

In the final section, Ellen demonstrates a play-along of the song, combining the strumming and picking patterns with the chord progressions.

Learning guitar is an ongoing journey, and Ellen's tutorial provides a solid foundation for beginners to master "Believer" by Imagine Dragons. With clear explanations, visual chord charts, and practical demonstrations, this video equips aspiring guitarists with the skills and techniques necessary to play this popular song. So grab your guitar, follow along with Ellen's instructions, and embark on your musical journey with "Believer."

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