
The CAGED System: Understanding his Power

Have you ever wondered how some guitarists effortlessly navigate the entire fretboard, playing chords and scales with ease? The secret lies in understanding the CAGED system. In this article, we will explore the significance of the CAGED system in unlocking the guitar's fretboard and enhancing your playing abilities. 

Accompanying this discussion is an insightful video by Paul Davids, where he dives deep into the CAGED system and demonstrates its practical application. Visit his channel!

The Power of the CAGED System:

The CAGED system is a concept that helps guitarists visualize chords, scales, and arpeggios on the fretboard. It provides a framework for understanding the guitar's structure, making it easier to play across the entire neck. Although the CAGED system may sound complex, it is simply a way of labeling and describing the existing elements of the guitar, empowering you to unlock the full potential of the instrument.

Understanding Root Notes:

At the core of the CAGED system is the identification of root notes within chord shapes. By knowing the root note, you can move chord shapes up and down the neck, allowing you to play the same chord in different positions. For example, if you start with the fourth shape (E shape) of the CAGED system, which represents an E chord, you can identify the root note on the sixth string. By shifting the shape up the neck and adjusting for open strings, you can play different chords in various positions.

Exploring Different Chord Shapes:

The CAGED system comprises five main chord shapes: C, A, G, E, and D. Each shape offers unique benefits and opens up a world of possibilities on the fretboard. By understanding the root notes and adapting these shapes, you can create chord structures that can be played in multiple ways. It's important to note that many guitarists are already utilizing the CAGED system when playing barre chords.

Modifying Chord Shapes:

While the video focuses on specific chord shapes, it's crucial to recognize that you have the freedom to modify these shapes to suit your preferences. Whether it involves omitting certain strings or adjusting fingerings, the goal is to find comfortable and playable shapes that facilitate seamless movement across the fretboard. Experimentation and personalization are encouraged to create unique chord voicings.

Connecting Chord Shapes:

One of the significant advantages of the CAGED system is the interconnectedness between the different chord shapes. Each shape shares common notes with the preceding and following shapes, creating a cohesive progression across the neck. By recognizing these shared notes, you can navigate the fretboard more effectively and make informed choices about which notes to emphasize or include in your playing.

Putting it into Practice:

To illustrate the practical application of the CAGED system, the accompanying video showcases a demonstration by Paul Davids. He plays a chord progression using various shapes, such as C and F chords, while moving up the neck. Incorporating different shapes, including major seventh chords, he creates an interesting and versatile guitar part. The goal is to internalize the shapes and their corresponding chords, enabling seamless transitions and expanding your musical possibilities.

The CAGED system is a powerful tool that every guitarist should embrace to understand and explore the guitar's fretboard with confidence. By learning the five chord shapes and their connections, you can unlock the full potential of the instrument and tap into new musical territories. While the CAGED system may seem overwhelming at first, take it one shape at a time, personalize the fingerings, and gradually incorporate them into your playing. With practice and dedication, the CAGED system will empower you to enhance your creativity and fluency on the guitar.

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