
How to Play "Viva La Vida" by Coldplay on Guitar: EASY Tutorial for Beginners

Have you ever wanted to learn how to play one of Coldplay's most iconic songs on the guitar? Look no further! In this comprehensive tutorial, we will guide you through the process of mastering "Viva La Vida" step by step.

Whether you're a beginner or an intermediate player, this tutorial by for3v3rfaithful will equip you with the necessary chords, strumming patterns, and techniques to play this captivating song. So grab your guitar and let's get started!

Video Tutorial:

Five Chords Needed:

The video begins with a clear overview of the lesson. Ellen introduces the chords used in the song and demonstrate the finger positions and sounds for each one. The five chords you'll need to know are C, D major, G major, E minor, and B minor. Dedicate time to practice these chords and transitioning between them smoothly.

Chord Progressions and Alternatives:

To make learning the song more accessible, Ellen offers an alternative for beginners struggling with the B minor bar chord. She recommends replacing it with a G chord throughout the song. However, for those up for the challenge, the original B minor chord adds a distinctive touch to the music.

Strumming Patterns and Rhythm:

Understanding the strumming patterns and rhythm is crucial for capturing the essence of "Viva La Vida." Ellen breaks down the full strumming pattern, counting it with a 16th note rhythm. They guide you through the pattern, highlighting where chord changes occur. This method simplifies memorization and ensures smoother transitions between chords. Experiment and personalize the strumming pattern to suit your individual preferences.

Play-Along and Practice:

After explaining the chords and strumming patterns, Ellen provides a play-along demonstration of the song. This allows you to jam along and put your newly acquired skills to the test.

Learning to play "Viva La Vida" on guitar can be a rewarding experience for any musician. With this step-by-step tutorial, you now have the guidance and resources to embark on this musical journey. Remember to practice regularly, experiment with your own style, and enjoy the process. Before you know it, you'll be strumming along to the captivating melodies of Coldplay's timeless hit. So grab your guitar, watch the video tutorial, and let the music fill the air!

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