
Unlock the Basics of Music Theory in 12 Minutes

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the complexities of music theory? Fear not! In this video, a charismatic guitarist takes us on a whirlwind journey through the fundamental concepts of music theory. Whether you're a budding musician or simply curious about the inner workings of melodies and harmonies, this video provides a condensed yet comprehensive overview of note names, scales, intervals, chords, key signatures, and music notation.

So fasten your seatbelts and get ready to delve into the realm of music theory in just 12 minutes at the hands of Shred. Visit his channel!

Note Names:

The video begins by unraveling the mysteries of note names. From the musical alphabet starting at A and ending at G, we discover the absence of Z and W notes. The presenter effortlessly illustrates note names on both piano and guitar, shedding light on the concept of sharps and flats between notes, except for E and F and B and C. Prepare to have your mind blown as enharmonic equivalents are introduced, showcasing how the same note can be labeled differently based on sharps and flats.


Next up, scales take center stage. A musical scale is simply a sequence of notes connecting an octave. The video focuses on the C major scale as an example, unveiling the formula for constructing major scales using whole steps (W) and half steps (H). The presenter demonstrates how this formula can be applied to any starting note to create a major scale. Additionally, the video explores the enchanting world of minor scales, providing examples such as the A minor scale and the melancholic D minor scale.


Intervals, the spaces between two notes, become the spotlight of attention. The video elucidates the concept of half steps and whole steps, which serve as the building blocks for intervals. Among the various intervals, thirds are highlighted as key players in defining the tonality of chords. Major and minor thirds are dissected, revealing their impact on the emotional quality of music.


Enter the realm of chords, where harmony takes shape. Chords consist of three or more notes played simultaneously, and they hold the power to evoke a wide range of emotions. The video delves into major chords, associated with a jubilant and uplifting quality. The process of constructing major chords is demystified, emphasizing the significance of the 1st, major 3rd, and perfect 5th notes. Conversely, minor chords cast a more somber and introspective ambiance, achieved by flatting the third note of a major chord. The video also introduces two additional chord shapes: the ominous diminished chord and the chilling augmented chord, demonstrating their roles in different genres of music.

Key Signatures:

Unlocking the secrets of key signatures, the video introduces the fascinating concept of the circle of fifths. This visual diagram illustrates the 12 musical keys, guiding us through their relationships and the sharps they contain. The circle of fifths provides a roadmap for understanding key progressions and the corresponding sharps within each key. By internalizing this circle, deciphering the music we hear becomes more accessible, enhancing our overall musical comprehension.

Music Notation:

Reading music may not transform you into an overnight virtuoso, but it certainly facilitates the absorption of musical ideas. The video underscores the importance of reading music and suggests that all musicians invest time in honing their reading skills. By demonstrating the notes on the staff, complete with mnemonic devices for memorization, the presenter encourages viewers to embrace music notation as a valuable tool. Aspiring composers can benefit greatly from understanding how musical legends like Igor Stravinsky and John Williams orchestrate their masterpieces.

In just 12 minutes, this captivating video offers a condensed crash course in music theory, demystifying the core concepts that underpin the art of making music. From note names to scales, intervals, chords, key signatures, and music notation, viewers are taken on an exhilarating journey that marries knowledge with entertainment. So, whether you're a beginner eager to grasp the basics or an enthusiast seeking a refresher, this video is a treasure trove of valuable insights. Explore the foundations of music theory, unlock your inner composer, and embark on a melodic adventure that will forever enhance your musical journey.

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